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data binding

About 2 min

Control type

Control types mainly include the following types:

  1. Text control
  2. Date control
  3. Static drop-down box
  4. Dynamic drop-down box
  5. Radio button
  6. Checkbox
  7. Pictures

Control setting value

setBindObject(text, id)

single text setting

//Specify the control ID and set the display text
editor.setBindObject(text, id)

editor.setBindObject('Jacky Cheung', 'patientName')


Object settings

//Place the data object by ID name and set the corresponding text value of the medical record document object into the control

let obj = {
    patientNo: "2023010100009",
    patientName: "Jiang Hualiang",
    sex: "male",
    age:"65 years old",
    diagnosis: "COVID-19",
    daigDate:"January 1, 2023",
    clincName:"Respiratory Medicine",
    bedNo:"16 beds"

setBindObject(obj, id)

Put the data object by ID name and set the medical record document object value to the specified document node

let obj = {
    patientNo: "2023010100009",
    patientName: "Jiang Hualiang",
    sex: "male",
    age:"65 years old",
    diagnosis: "COVID-19",
    daigDate:"January 1, 2023",
    clincName:"Respiratory Medicine",
    bedNo:"16 beds"
editor.setBindObject(obj, 'base_info')

Note: The setBindObject and getBindObject functions can only be used after the document loading process is completed.

    let obj = {...}

Control value


Single control value

let patientName = editor.getBindObject('patientName')


Get all value objects of the medical record document

let data = editor.getBindObject() //no parameters


Get all value objects of the specified document node

let data = editor.getBindObject('_head') //Specify the document node ID

//return result
// {
// patientNo: "2023010100009",
// patientName: "Jiang Hualiang",
// sex: "male",
// age: "65 years old",
// diagnosis: "COVID-19",
// daigDate:"January 1, 2023",
// clincName:"Respiratory Medicine",
// bedNo: "16 beds"
// }

Control value (including encoding)

//Use the following method to obtain the encoding and value of a single control
let data = getBindObject(id, true)

//Use the following method to get the codes and values ​​of all controls
let data = getBindObject(undefined, true)

Control setting value (including encoding)

//Use the following methods to set the encoding and value of a single control
editor.setBindObject(jsonObject, id, true)

//Use the following method to set the encoding and value of all controls
editor.setBindObject(jsonObject, undefined, true)

Bind table data


  1. Insert table control
  2. Set the identifier list in the table attribute
  3. Table attribute setting field NUM name id NUM is a reserved attribute name, and the row number will be automatically set
  4. Use the editor.setDataList() method to bind the JSON object (object array) to the table control
//Editor initialization

//Load medical record document

    /** list data format example
            {id '1111', name: 'aaa'},
            {id '2222', name: 'bbb'},
            {id '3333', name: 'ccc'}

    //Table binding data
    if(editor.$('#list').length > 0){
        $.get('/doc/list.json', (list)=>{

Get revision content


Returns a JSON array object of revision contents


//return object
        date:"revision time",
        origin: "original text",
        text: "Current text",
        diff: "HTML content after text comparison"